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Request a Garden from Hope in Bloom


“Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower. ” 
Hans Christian Anderson


If you or someone you know is being treated for breast cancer and would like a flower or vegetable garden, please fill out the information below or call us at 781 258-1710. Before applying for someone else, make sure the potential recipient wants a garden. We cannot surprise anyone. Each garden is personally designed by one of our landscape architects or designers to fit each recipient's space and lifestyle. Hope in Bloom requires a doctor’s letter indicating the recipient is in active treatment for breast cancer before the process can begin. It is each recipient’s responsibility to provide this information as soon as possible.

Indoor potted plant displays are created and installed throughout the year. Patio and outdoor gardens are planted from May through September. Our landscape designers donate their time to Hope in Bloom, which means we need as much notice as possible to schedule projects. Please keep this in mind when applying for a garden.

Please note, if you are applying for someone other than yourself and would like to raise the money for a particular garden ($200-$600 for indoor gardens; $800-$1,500 for patio gardens; and $1,000-$3,000 for in-ground gardens), please fill out the information below, and in the comment section indicate you will fund the garden. Someone from Hope in Bloom will be in touch after the information is received.

*Required fields.


*Your name:

*Your email: A value is required.Invalid format.
Address 1:
Address 2:
Zip Code:
*Home phone:
Work phone:
Cell phone:
  If the garden is not for the person filling out the form, please make sure the potential recipient wants a garden before answering the following questions.
Recipient's name:
Recipient's Address 1:
Recipient's Address 2:
Recipient's City:
Recipient's State:
Recipient's Zip Code:
Recipient's Phone Number:
Recipient's email:
Where is the garden going to be?

Ask Recipient

What is the recipient’s gardening experience?
Who will take care of the garden?
How much time per week can be devoted to garden care?
How did you learn about Hope in Bloom?
Can Hope in Bloom visit and publish the garden for publicity purposes?

May we use the recipient's name?

Preferred Way to Reach You: